Inmarsat IoT Maturity Tool



a) Which of the following statements is true of your organisation?

Please select all that apply

b) Which of the below statements best describes your organisation’s current status when it comes to deploying IoT projects?

Please select one



In remote areas away from terrestrial communications, what does your organisation typically do if you cannot connect to your chosen connectivity type?

Please select one



To what extent does your organisation share non-sensitive data created through IoT projects?

Please select one

To what extent will your organisation share non-sensitive data created through IoT projects in the future?

Please select one



Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

C-suite/senior leadership team - please select one

Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

Strategic IoT decision-making - please select one

Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

Operations - please select one

Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

Procurement of IoT projects - please select one

Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

Integrating IoT projects - please select one

Does your organisation have the skills it needs to select, deploy and utilise IoT projects at the levels below?

Ongoing support and maintenance of IoT projects - please select one



Which of the following statements best fits your organisation regarding the security of its IoT projects?

Please select one



What proportion of your organisation’s IT budget do you expect to spend on IoT over the next three years?


Get your results

Your results are presented in a personalised report and will show your business’s IoT readiness across a number of areas, including adoption, connectivity, data, skills, cybersecurity and investment, compared with other mining companies.