
Working towards a U.S. government and industry partnership

In a Q&A with MSUA President Catherine Melquist, Inmarsat Government’s Senior Vice President for Government Strategy and Policy, Rebecca Cowen-Hirsch, discusses the importance and opportunities for expanding the partnership between the U.S. government and the commercial industry, with the goal of developing an integrated SATCOM architecture of the future with enhanced capabilities, resiliency and affordability made available through trusted SATCOM owner-operators.

Rebecca highlights the integrated architecture – “the SATCOM Enterprise” – that the U.S. government is working towards to provide a seamless network of military and commercial communications satellites. Additionally, she discusses the evolution of satellite user communities and the best ways to engage with today’s highly mobile users, who expect the same type of quality, ubiquity and assurance that we enjoy from today’s terrestrial and mobile telephony in our daily lives.

“The integrated architecture represents the very best of digital transformation thinking. It would allow for all altitudes and capitalize on capabilities which are existent and trusted, and continue to invest in innovative technologies,” said Rebecca. “Such an architecture would make coverage and capacity “yesterday’s conversation,” with military and industry leaders more focused on combining a robust ground segment with adaptable terminals and a space layer, and COMSATCOM adding flexibilities through software-enhanced capabilities and flexible modem operations.”

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Rebecca M. Cowen-Hirsch