Insight | The return of FlightPlan – Strategies for recovery


The return of FlightPlan – Strategies for recovery


Back in April, in response to the damaging effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the aviation industry, Inmarsat Aviation joined forces with the Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) to develop a unique one-day online broadcast event, aptly named FlightPlan: Charting a Course for the Future.

The intention was to support the industry by offering access to industry experts, who could provide valuable analysis to the new context, whilst also connecting the aviation community during lockdown. FlightPlan was a huge success with thousands of people watching live from almost 100 countries worldwide, and yet more catching the broadcast on-demand in subsequent weeks.

FlightPlan part two

Now, six months later, as the industry looks towards a rebound from the shock of the pandemic, Inmarsat and APEX have decided to collaborate yet again to create FlightPlan: Strategies for Recovery on 10 November. The virtual broadcast event will once again bring together aviation leaders, analysts and expert commentators to share insight and direction, but this time they will be focused on strategies for recovery, as the industry looks to a brighter horizon.

It’s not an understatement to say that commercial aviation was hit harder than most by Covid-19. The impact was compounded beyond the unprecedented fall in demand, by unpredictable national policy and uncertain passenger confidence, as restrictions eased. The repercussions have left airlines under extraordinary pressure and dismantled the ecosystem that supports them.

Today, the industry is still facing challenges beyond anything previously experienced, but there’s been time to analyse and respond. FlightPlan: Strategies for Recovery will delve into what we have learned and the strategies emerging to guide recovery. Experts will outline which innovations give the greatest cause for optimism and share the ideas that are leading to aviation’s next chapter. 

FlightPlan broadcast kickstarts aviation’s post-Covid Fightback

FlightPlan - Inmarsat and APEX’s online event - brought together the great and the good of the aviation sector.

A shared responsibility

We believe that it is our shared responsibility to reconnect the industry and the event will enable open, honest and wide-ranging discussions, with a strong emphasis on technology and innovation, covering everything from passenger experience to airline operations and digital transformation. To facilitate these vital conversations, we’ll be bringing together aviation leaders, industry bodies, global airlines, ecosystem partners, subject experts, analysts and commentators to answer the industry’s questions and lay the foundations for the future.

Naturally, we’ll address global and regional news updates, analyse the state of the industry and explore the emerging strategies for reset and recovery. In addition, a key highlight of the day will be unveiling the results of the largest global passenger confidence survey completed since the pandemic began.

Reaching across the globe, the survey sought to gain insight about the measures the industry will need to put in place to help passengers regain the confidence to fly. We’ll debate the implications of the new passenger journey, debating the disrupted inflight experience and asking for the audience’s views on what’s discussed.

This will lead into discussions around how digital transformation will act as a catalyst for sustainable growth and help us to build post pandemic business models and longer-term forecasts for the future. Full details of contributors will of course be available closer to the event.

We believe in the resilience of the aviation industry over the long term and want to provide airlines with a fighting chance of leading the global recovery to connect the world’s economies once the pandemic is contained. Once again, our central ambition for FlightPlan is to give the industry a much-needed shot in the arm.

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